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Mobile Indigenous Peoples and Conservation motion for a resolution at World Parks Congress

3rd IUCN World Parks Congress, Bangkok. 16-24 November 2004

** UPDATE: This resolution was successfully ratified. See the Press release here **

Motion for a resolution - Mobile Indigenous Peoples and Conservation adopted resolution number RESWCC3.018, sponsored by Al-Khat Al Akhdar ( Green Line Association ). This motion submitted to the IUCN for the World Conservation Congress endorses the Dana Declaration and highlights the value of the World Alliance of Mobile Indigenous Peoples (WAMIP). It seeks to build on progress made at the 2003 World Parks Congress and the 2004 meeting of the CBD Programme of Work on Protected Areas (Kuala Lumpur).

An Indigenous Peoples Preparatory meeting will take place 16-17 November in Bangkok in advance of the IUCN Congress. This will allow delegates a chance to prepare for the Congress including discussion of the motion for a Resolution, planning a media relations strategy and reviewing TILCEPA group strategy.

The Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) Foundation organised local logistics. Indigenous Peoples Ad-Hoc Working Group (AHWG) workshops during the congress covered: Customary Laws; Poverty and Protected Areas; and Community Conserved Areas, and the Dana Declaration group supported a workshop organized by WAMIP on Mobility, livelihoods and conservation.

The Dana Declaration group financially assisted the attendance of various participants, several of whom presented papers/workshops:

  • Dawn Chatty, Chair of the Dana Declaration Standing Committee.

  • Gianluca Serra and Ahmad Al Abdullah (who are presenting a workshop paper "Myths and Misconceptions Regarding Mobile Indigenous Peoples and Biodiversity Conservation: the Northern Bald Ibis and Syrian Conservation Efforts").

  • Salem Al-Zalabea - Wadi Rum Protected Area, Jordan.

  • 2 representatives of Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC), Namibia: Mutjimbiko Mutambo [Himba representative] and Gary Gerson Nekongo.

  • 2 representatives of Ujamaa Community Resources Trust, Tanzania: Richard Baalow Munguida and Dismas Partalala Meitaya [Maasai pastoralist representatives] (presenting paper "Indigenous Natural Resources Conservation facing threats ahead. Case study: Hadzabe and Maasai communities in the Northern part of Tanzania."

  • Aghaghia Rahimzadeh, WAMIP, CEESP, Iran (organizing workshop on "Mobility, Livelihoods and Conservation").

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